Sunday 2 September 2012

What's a Miu Miu / Mui Mui between friends...

So on a whim I decided to look for Miu Miu shoes on eBay with the intention of looking and not purchasing...

I saw some last season lovely glitter heels and instantly fell in love as you do!

I popped in my highest bid (not that high!) with the expectation of not getting anywhere!

I looked at my eBay search bar and realised the iPad had changed the spelling to Mui Mui and the person had incorrectly spelt their item!! Oops... (for them!)

Obviously for me this was bloody fantastic, with an hour to go no one else had bid on the shoes and I got a pair of MIU MIU's for 45.00 of your finest english pounds. Aaahhhh - Things like this NEVER happen to me!!

So they arrived on Friday eveneing and I absolutely adore them...I may not have purchased them from a store, they weren't originally mine, and there are more highly sort after Miu Miu's right now - but I love them!!!

All they need now is some Champers, cocktails and a bloody good dance!!

J xx


  1. I saw these on eBay! Great purchase...

  2. Thank you! Haven't had a chance to wear them yet... Soon hopefully!
