Saturday 25 August 2012

It's a weekend so let's try something new....

I love a weekend as i am sure we all do and it's especially nice to try something new on these days away from the norm. 

As you know I'm literally having a stay at home bank holiday weekend... with a little sneaky trip to the shops. 

Here are my 5 tops tips for try a try something new weekend....

1) Read a book you've always wanted to but never got round to reading...

This is mine! (how beautiful is the cover)

I have always wanted to read this F.Scott Fitzgerald classic and with the upcoming Baz Lurhman film coming out soon staring the delightful Leonardo Di Caprio (he looks goood with age!) and Carey Mulligan I thought it only fair to start reading now. 

2) Go out and purchase a lipstick that's completely different from your usual colour...

I am a nude make up kinda girl - I like my clothes to do the talking not my face! BUT I have gone all out and purchased this delightful Yves Saint Laurent Lipstick in the brightest Fushia Pink (when I do something different I do take it to the extreme!)

Stunning casing, just need to pluck up the courage to wear it now! 
Maybe ill try it out when i'm wearing my pyjamas first!

3) Have a sort out... 

I always find a weekends are good to sort the old from the new. 
Beauty products can stay in our cupboards for a lot longer than they should and they can go over like food can - you then don't get the best results from the products. I am also guilty (as i'm sure many of us are) of buying things that don't quiet suit us and then staying unopened clogging up our beauty cupboards! 
Have a sort out - give that pink lipstick you don't wear to your mum, sister or friend. Have fun trying everything out again (you might find a new fave), check your mascara's, and try a funky nail art manicure with all those nail varnishes you have! 
Store your new found faves in a beautiful glass apothecary like the above, and they will look darling all together on your bathroom or bedroom side.

4) Watch a vintage classic...

There is literally nothing better than being in comfy clothes, snuggled up with a cuppa and popcorn watching one of the great films from yesteryear. 

This Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire is one of my favourites. 

5) Dream on....

and write a to do list - whether you are dreaming big or small it doesn't matter. 
Write it down and make sure you do it!

Mine is to plan and go visit the boy who's currently working out in Norway at the moment and visit the beautiful city of Oslo as well as have a massive catch up with my favourite chap in the whole wide world. 

Let me know if you have any ideas - i'd love to share them in another post. 

Loveliness & Happiness. 


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